Adjourned – Nuclear Matter – Francois de OLIVEIRA SANTOS: « Nuclear astrophysics: a textbook case study »

Nuclear astrophysics recently celebrated its 100th  anniversary and remains an active field of science. The goal of this presentation […]

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Nuclear Phenomenology – Pierre Arthuis: « The ab initio endeavour: Describing the nuclear chart from the ground up »

Ab initio methods for low-energy nuclear physics have vastly improved their range both in terms of isotopes and observables […]

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Topical Review – Raffaele T. D’Agnolo: « Naturalness for Gen Z »

The value of the Higgs mass is one of the biggest mysteries in particle physics. In the past decades […]

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Theory – Rhameez S. Herbst: « The Eigenvalues of Laplace Operators: From Analytical to Machine Learning Approaches »

In this presentation, eigenvalue problems are investigates. With particular focus on the eigenvalues of Laplace operators, we explore the […]

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Alejandro Perez : « Gravité Quantique et Matière noire : Une histoire d’avant le big bang »

La gravité quantique et ses applications possibles pour les trous noirs et la cosmologie.

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Highlight on Toponium – Afiq Anuar: « In Search of Spin-0 Resonances Decaying to Top Quark-Antiquark Pairs »

The CMS Collaboration has recently publicized a search for heavy pseudoscalar or scalar bosons decaying to a top quark […]

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Adjourned – Nuclear Matter – Francois de OLIVEIRA SANTOS: « Nuclear astrophysics: a textbook case study »

Nuclear astrophysics recently celebrated its 100th  anniversary and remains an active field of science. The goal of this presentation […]

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Nuclear Phenomenology – Pierre Arthuis: « The ab initio endeavour: Describing the nuclear chart from the ground up »

Ab initio methods for low-energy nuclear physics have vastly improved their range both in terms of isotopes and observables […]

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Topical Review – Raffaele T. D’Agnolo: « Naturalness for Gen Z »

The value of the Higgs mass is one of the biggest mysteries in particle physics. In the past decades […]

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Theory – Rhameez S. Herbst: « The Eigenvalues of Laplace Operators: From Analytical to Machine Learning Approaches »

In this presentation, eigenvalue problems are investigates. With particular focus on the eigenvalues of Laplace operators, we explore the […]

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Alejandro Perez : « Gravité Quantique et Matière noire : Une histoire d’avant le big bang »

La gravité quantique et ses applications possibles pour les trous noirs et la cosmologie.

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Highlight on Toponium – Afiq Anuar: « In Search of Spin-0 Resonances Decaying to Top Quark-Antiquark Pairs »

The CMS Collaboration has recently publicized a search for heavy pseudoscalar or scalar bosons decaying to a top quark […]

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Johannes Jahan: The MUSES project

The will to provide a complete picture for the phase diagram of nuclear matter has led researchers from nuclear […]

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Exploring Proton Structure and QCD with the LHC

Speakers: Bugra Bilin (Université Libre de Bruxelles) The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN provides data shedding light to […]

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Justine Zeghal: Simulation-Based Inference: estimating posterior distributions without analytic likelihoods

Galaxy surveys have already made it possible to probe our universe and improve our understanding of it. Upcoming stage […]

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Black holes and their perturbations in the search for new physics

Soutenance de thèse d'Anna CHRYSOSTOMOU -- groupe Theorie

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Constraining p-process nucleosynthesis through crucial cross-section measurements

Soutenance de thèse de Yasmine DEMANE -- Groupe Matière Nucléaire

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