In the dynamics of scientific advances on DIAM (Device for Irradiation of Molecular Clusters, IP2I), a Junior Professor Chair at the University Claude Bernard Lyon is opened to develop a new scientific axis focused on the understanding of the mechanisms of irradiation in nanodroplets composed of organic molecules and water. These nanodroplets are one of the keys to the study of many processes involved in the formation of atmospheric aerosols and the modelling of climate change. The problematic considered here in the context of the terrestrial atmosphere should be open to physical chemistry questions of molecular interactions under irradiation in an astrophysical context.
Level of the position in which the candidate will be granted tenure: University professor (A)
Project name : NAMAHÉ
Keywords: Ionizing radiation, molecular clusters of atmospheric interest; post-collisional relaxation; non-equilibrium dynamics; atmospheric aerosol formation
Target duration: 4 years
Rémunération proposée : 3 443,50 € brut mensuel
date of taking up the post : September 2023
Affectation/ Affiliation : IP2I, UCBL Lyon 1